Tuesday 25 March 2014

We’ve Started a Blog

And a fashion/lifestyle one at that. Cue the screaming. A child cries. A goat bleats in the background. Not a very auspicious start. Those who know me are all scratching their heads in wonder and asking “You?” and I am not surprised. My idea of dressing up is wearing a clean shirt with my trusty black skinny jeans. My default outfit. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “when in doubt, wear jeans”? No? Where have you been? Well then I guess, now you’ve heard it. It works, believe me. And as for talking about my life. HA! Most of my friends don’t even know I moved to another country.

 I blame this urge to try new things on my friend Luwi, the other half of this Trans African amalgamation of ideas (and the more fashion savvy one). She’s a force of nature, and has been nagging me about this blog for years, I’m not exaggerating. YEARS. I wouldn’t be doing this without her, so shout out to my bestie! (throws up care bear gang signs). I started a blog a few years ago… Musings of An Emotional Vagabond… search for it if you must but it is gathering dust on blogger as we speak. I think there is one post, I’m too embarrassed to check. Oh Musings, I had such high hopes for you, you were supposed to be my online diary, a way to connect with other people and deal with the loneliness that was campus life, oh well ‘ the best laid plans..’ and all that jazz. This one will last longer.

And now that I’ve moved to Ghana (the Motherland) indefinitely this is a great way to document how I’m dealing with the culture shock of living in a West African country - (these people don’t eat cheese!!) that is less developed economically than Botswana – where I grew up. Describing it as a whole new world is an understatement. But that’s another post for another day.

We hope to connect with other 20 something young vibrant African women (okay men, you too), as we deal with trying to find ourselves on this continent, a cornucopia of differences separating us but the place we call home unites us. In our daily struggles for love, employment, joy and faith, in our obsessions with fashion, music and vanity, we will write about what makes us think, what we are passionate about and what makes our hearts beat a little bit faster. I hope you will enjoy our thoughts and ideas and follow our lives as we try to stay sane and connected. And try not to take us TOO seriously…. 

Because we like to goof off in Mr Price Home


  1. Great start guys. You know what they say about rolling stones.

  2. This was an awesome first post. I really enjoyed it, lol! Keep it up.....

  3. so..basically u guys have lost ur minds huh...ok..m game...was about time anyway


here's your chance