Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Proverbs 31 Woman Is a Fashion Blogger ?

Fashion blogging isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you consider spiritual life lessons. It isn’t the second or third either. In fact I doubt it crosses anyone’s mind. It certainly didn’t cross mine until I started to seriously consider starting a fashion blog. However though my personal experiences as a style blogger I’ve often had to think how best my Godly principles can shine through in an activity that isn’t your stereotypical ministry outlet. In the Apostle Pauls letter to the Colossians he says “whatever you do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus”. Pretty sure “whatever” covers style blogging too. The nagging question is how exactly do you go about style blogging in Jesus’ name? That brings to mind an even bigger question, how do you do anything in life which isn’t an exclusively Christian activity in Jesus’ name? As much as I wish I had an exact answer I’m not sure there is one but fear not, there are some principles one can follow.
Things have changed quite a bit since Adam and Eve donned animal skins in the Garden of Eden to hide their nakedness. Aren’t we all grateful for that? Clothes have become more than just covering and protection from the elements. They are a way in which we express ourselves and more often than not our clothes speak volumes about who we are, where we come from and what we believe. They’re a form of art which is one of the reasons I started blogging but another was to encourage young African women to take pride in their unique culture and looks. So how does the woman of God find a balance between consistently looking good, promoting style and fashion without becoming obsessed with her appearance? I immediately think of proverbs 31 woman who wore fine linen and purple but strength and honour were her clothing.

Doesn’t it sound like an impossible task sometimes? But then most things are when Christ is taken out of the equation. How do I stay current, fashionable, look good, keep my body in shape all while staying focused on the bigger picture? Here are a few things I have learnt to keep in mind.

Looks aren’t everything but God wants you to look and feel good both inside and out. You’re not doing anyone any favours by not taking care of yourself. I don’t believe that the Spirit of Joy and Peace is best manifest in a dowdy, depressed woman. The woman of God enjoys the pleasures of life that include taking pride in her appearance. She fasts, prays and shops!
Looking good does not have to be costly or time consuming. The proverbs 31 woman was wise with her time and money. Good time management and budgeting can allow you to create the time and resources necessary to add a few extra things to your wardrobe or a little extra time doing whatever hobby you enjoy. A happy woman is a beautiful woman.
Being modest and carrying you with poise will never go out of style. As the adage goes “fashion comes and goes but style is forever”. Don’t feel pressured to follow every trend that comes especially if that trend goes against how you believe a Godly woman ought to dress. You can’t afford it and it won’t make you happy anyway.
Comparing yourself with others will only take away your Joy. Remember who you serve and whose opinion really counts in the end.

 There are many ways we can minister to a world that has so many preconceived ideas of what it means to be a Christian. Sadly we live in world that judges people based on how they look more than what is in their heart. Fortunately the Godly woman can literally where her heart on her sleeves.

Dress & Sandals  - Mr Price
Bag - Custom Made
Accessories - Jewellery Box


  1. ohh you have a blog.way to to go.well done lady lady!!<3

  2. As the adage goes “fashion comes and goes but style is forever”...well said!

  3. ..."she fasts, prays and shops!!" Lol like tht


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