Although it’s something I’m most certainly hard wired to do it’s something I’ve realised I need to control. Moving to Zambia has changed my life drastically and I’m in unfamiliar places and situations every single day. New country, new friends, new church, new job (hopefully), new family dynamics, new lifestyle.... I could go on. Every day is a new adventure filled with possibilities but some days I spend more time worrying about these possibilities than actually enjoying them.
Am I alone in this? Do you ever find yourself worrying the days and weeks and months away ? Day dreaming about the future. About who will stay, who will go, where you’ll live, your success ? Lately I’ve been doing a lot of that and it dawned on me that not only is worrying a total buzz kill, it’s also a complete waste of time! Preparing for the future is wise, driving yourself crazy wondering about what-if’s won’t get you anywhere but the looney bin.
I’ve been thinking a lot about trusting God more. Fact is you can’t trust someone you don’t know. If a stranger walked up to you and asked you to hold their hand and walk with them you would run, well at least I hope you would, this world is crazy ya’ll. But I digress, it’s the same with God. We ought to trust him but we have to know him, his nature, his character, his faithfulness in a personal way in order to trust him. That’s something I’m working on implementing as this journey continues so I too can say with the utmost conviction that I know whom I have believed.
2 Timothy 1:12